“Breaking up Google” – or just bankrolling publishers at Google’s expense?

Today the European Parliament passed a resolution introduced by the two large groups, EPP and S&D, on “consumer rights in the digital single market”. This resolution had caused quite a stir in the international press since last weekend – before it was even formally submitted to the Parliament. Multiple news outlets created the impression that […]

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European Commission report: Europeans want a common copyright law

More than four months after the end of the European Commission’s public consultation on copyright review, the Directorate-General for the Internal Market has just released an analysis of the more than 11,000 responses. The 100-page report documents the huge demand for copyright reform.

Julia Reda, member of the European Parliament (Pirate Party): “The European Commission’s […]

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Why I voted for Juncker as POTEC and what I’m expecting of him

This election is different

The election on July 15 was about whether Jean-Claude Juncker gets the chance to form the next Commission. That I granted him this mandate does not mean that I will also vote for the Commission he is now putting together. In order for that to happen, the members of the Commission […]

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Press clippings

»a group of business and foundations have written to the chair of the European Parliament’s Copyright Working Group demanding that he open up consultations to a wider range of stakeholders«
Parliament copyright working group too close to business say activists – New Europe, 18 March 2015

Offener Brief fordert mehr Ausgewogenheit bei Einladung zu Urheberrechtsarbeitsgruppe […]

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