One bright day in the middle of the night…: Reactions to my copyright evaluation report

 What do you see?

This could be the beginning of a reform of copyright which finally takes into account the needs of people in the 21st century.
–Marcin Maj, Dziennik Interautów

The losers [of the report’s proposals] are European individuals […]: they lose protection over their own words and images, becoming second class global […]

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EU copyright rules maladapted to the Internet, upcoming Parliamentary report finds

This is the press release summarizing the report. To view the blog post, click here.

EU copyright rules are maladapted to the increase of cross-border cultural exchange facilitated by the Internet, an upcoming European Parliament own-initiative report evaluating 2001’s copyright directive finds. The draft released today by Julia Reda, MEP for the German Pirate Party, […]

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Report: EU copyright rules are maladapted to the increase of cross-border cultural exchange on the web

This is the core finding of my draft report for the European Parliament evaluating 2001’s copyright directive:

Although the directive was meant to adapt copyright to the digital age, in reality it is blocking the exchange of knowledge and culture across borders today.

Europe would benefit from a copyright that promotes creativity not just […]

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